The CroVin is a method of neuromotor rehabilitation due to the integration of a medical device and a manual technique called Crosystem named Constraints muscle-skin. The Crosystem uses mechanical vibration at 100 Hz to normalize muscle tone, while giving new strength and coordination constraints. This method can prevent tendon lengthening surgery in mild cases, or delays in severe cases. The replacement therapy is a useful CroVin of botulinum injections to promote muscle relaxation in spasticity and hypertonia as well as stimulates muscle strengthening in hypotonia. This therapeutic method is based on the stimulation of specific receptors in the skin which can carry specific information to the cerebral cortex, which, reorganized, sends impulses to the muscles affected by the corrective paralysis. The protocol of 3 consecutive days of treatment for 1 or more muscle and for patients from outside the chamber is expected to stay 5-6 days. Our experience of this type of therapy is extremely positive as the results are almost immediate benefit of a better and faster recovery in the Agor general program.
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